Special Reports
Water drainage neglect by Spartanburg County officials drawing ire from citizens
Spartanburg Residents Please Share – At some point and time we have to realize our elected officials could care less about the people they are supposed to serve. All of our property taxes were raised but the simple things they could do like maintaining rain water drainage they totally neglect.
Finally got tired of trying to get them to fix an issue that caused a sinkhole. 3 days and 16 wheelbarrow loads of leaves and stuff blocking the small pipe intended to drain the rainwater from an entire neighborhood.
Now because of their failure to maintain the ditch on Claremont Circle – my shop got flooded out. It’s me today but it could be you tomorrow.
The brief statement and video clip above and posted on Facebook was provided by Bobby Bennett, a property owner that has suffered damage from this water situation.
According to the conversation, the county has neglected the current mess for a while, and keeps pushing the iussue back as a problem that is the responsibility of the property owners.
Remember, it was in November, 2023 when the people voted for this new penny tax which woud be used for road and bridge repairs, etc. The plan went into effect on May 1, 2024.
Unsafe bridges have already been closed in Mayo, as well as on Cannons Campground Road. South Carolina has a lot to be desired when it comes to highway infrastructure, and specifically Spartanburg County. The state legislators are too busy serving themselves, rather than serving the people. You know, like H. 4561.
When you head to the polls on November 5,2024, remember these folks who have pursued their own interests, and act accordingly! It may be the only justice you’ll see.