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Union County, SC council looking at Sunday alcohol sales



During the Union County Council meeting, held on March 12, 2024, the County Supervisor, Phillip Russell, brought an update to the board related to Sunday alcohol sales.  Russell stated that several council members requested that he present this information to the entire board.

Supervisor Russell reached out to the attorney and was told that the council needed to create an ordinance, along with a first, second, and third reading, as well as a public hearing completed before July 1, 2024.

The ordinance must be on a ballot and voted upon by the public, as to determine if it becomes law or not.  It will not and cannot be decided by the council.

There was a motion by Councilperson Rutherford and a second by Councilperson Smith for the ordinance to be created.

Next, the supervisor asked if there were any discussions before the vote.

Councilperson Sinclair stated that he was not for this ordinance.  “I want to make a let it show on the record that I’m not in favor of it.  I can’t find any  reports that were done where it was very beneficial for counties to present that , and for it to be passed.”

Sinclair continued, “Alcohol has been associated with domestic violence and violent crimes all across our nation, and more than 80% of men who abused females and their partners were problem drinkers; 57% of homicides are created by alcohol; alcohol can produce impulsive and aggressive behaviors.

50.6% of simple assaults involved alcohol; 30% of sexual assaults involved alcohol.

South Carolina is already ranked number seven out of all the states in the United States for drunk driving. I just don’t see how it would be beneficial for our County, not to mention the most important thing, the

Lord said Sunday is the Lord’s day and you’re supposed to keep it Holy

Councilperson Rutherford stated, “I want to say something, add something to that. I think it would bring in more revenue for Union County. To each his own. I don’t drink beer but if people want to drink beer that’s on them and it will bring in more Revenue to Union County instead of people living in the county to go to other places to buy beer on a Sunday.

After discussion, Supervisor Russell asked for a roll call and the vote was, per district was:

District 1: Danny Bright – Yes

District 2:  John R. Glenn – Yes

District 3:  David Sinclair –  No

District 4:  Annie Smith –  Yes

District 5:  Carolyn Rutherford –  Yes

District 6:  John Flood

We’ll follow this story and update will more information becomes available.

[Ed: This article has been edited for clarity before being published.]