Special Reports
Trading law and order for an administrator? Not a worthy swap
As different statements come out regarding the resignation of police officers, along with the police clerk, there are still more questions than answers. The chatter on some Facebook pages varies as to what the problem is. Some say it’s the mayor’s fault, some blame the council members, and some blame the new administrator.
It seems that there are some drug problems along with some other related issues that are at the root of this situation. Even though it appears that the people of Pacolet were pleased with the work these officers were doing, and have stated such on social media, the town leadership seems torn as to what to do. With drug problems, along with theft and loitering, etc a small town cannot afford to lose their source of those who serve and protect them.
Several news channels have covered this story, WYFF, WSPA, and FOX Carolina
Even though the news reports tell a similar story, none appear to be doing any investigating. My first thought was since the officers resigned en masse, so to speak, then my question would be, what led to such a drastic decision? The new administrator was mentioned by some, as he is fairly new on the job. Could that be a problem?
The document below is from the Agenda Packet of a City Council Meeting in Manistee, MI. on February 18, 2016. This is also a public document!
It’s possible that some of these items were unknown during the hiring process, but it should be a red flag, especially when one looks at the history before and after. I’m not alleging any wrongdoing. I’m only sharing the information that turned up during my research.