Special Reports
S.C. Representative Gil Gatch – spotlight on the glitch
Gil Gatch, a proud member of the Palmetto Truth Project, has been making a lot of noise, and also “talking down” to his lessers. He’s quick to belittle others while floating the impression that he’s superior to all others. Oh, and he’s another lawyer in the SC House.
After doing a hefty load of research on Rev. Gatch, I discovered that he has been very inconsistent with his revelation of being a pastor, early on in his career. The description as well as the explanations have been odd.
The main information missing is there is no mention in all my findings, of the name of the church or churches, where the pastor/lawyer/congressman has led the congregation.
So, let’s look at some quotes, along with the links to these statements, in order to see for yourself.
By the way, this is not an attack on Gatch. It’s an exposure.
From the man tweeting, calling out a tweeter – condescending much?
Flaunting his conservative bonafides…
And a nice tweet of sympathy to Riley Gaines:
Oh, and he’s generous to those who are at odds with the Bible, that the good reverand should know so much about:
See – Pastor or Pimp?
More: The Art to Crafting a Compelling Argument from a South Carolina Politician
There’s much more info available on this gentleman, but this should be enough to see the man for what/who he really is.
And be assured, his project is far from the truth.