Special Reports
In schools – Diversity Я us is a big business.
Two of the most costly wars still being fought today are the War on Drugs (June 1971) and the War on Poverty. (January 8, 1964) And both are very lucrative to a select group of people.
Now, thanks to a minority of individuals, the majority of people are footing the bill for some other wars going on…and I’m not referring to Ukraine or Israel, or any other military battles. I’m talking about School Safety, Bullying, SEL, DEI, LBGTQ, and more.
(SEL – Social and Emotional Learning) (no virtue – more tolerance and open-mindedness)
(DEI – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) (everybody wins a trophy)
Back then, kids were challenged to learn the alphabet and the diverse ways of math. Today, the kids are caught up in having to learn the different types of sexualities.
Schools are being inundated with the “how to” handle all this new diversity within the school system.
Mental health has become a huge issue for young people within the school system. Wrapped in the trimmings of “School Safety“, kids are being taught and manipulated by “professionals” who use their teletherapy to “watch over” these kids. Teletherapists are unknown by the students and teachers, except for what has been told to them or what they’ve read about them.
How can parents entrust their kids to the care of unknown people who may or may not be certified in what they claim? They may be legit. Maybe not. They could also be connected simply because they agree with the agenda being pushed.
These issues are not new. Most were created years ago.
SEI was formed in 1994. DEI was created in the mid-1960s. The LGBT began to rise in 1988, took a giant step in the 90s, and moved to the forefront.
Many people are unaware, some unconcerned, and a few who began a movement to combat these issues but only manage to make some noise, grab a little light, and then shuffle off to something else.
These DEI implementations begin within the city and county governments and spread throughout the other systems, such as schools, universities, and various organizations.
Of course, there will be and have been denials of such implementations, but if one digs deep enough, there will be resources found that will tell the tale. Also, these entities will have links for resources and “partners” on their websites, however, they may not be found right away, as this information is not prominently displayed on the sites.
Here are some local examples:
Cleveland County Schools website screenshot

The links/documents listed below were included in the “3200 emails/public records release” by CCS to SunshineRequest.
The Center For Safer Schools was contacted in mid-December, 2023. I left some information on-site using their private contact form. I was contacted via phone on January 5, 2024, by an Assistant Director. I was informed that the information I had shared had been checked out, as well as some resources including the link to Sunshine Request. The assistant director stated that the issue with the public records request was disturbing, as well as filled with contradictions.
The last words that I spoke with the assistant director were:
“I realize that there are some things that you can’t tell me. But I pray that I don’t discover there are things that you won’t tell me.”
At the close of our conversation, I asked if she would email me to validate my information and our conversation. She complied. I have heard nothing since January 5, 2024.

I have reached out twice to the Assistant Director and twice to the Director of Communications for NCDPI since I discovered the release of the emails from Cleveland County Schools.
At this point, I must conclude that the administrators at the Center For School Safety and the Assistant Director-Physical Safety are part of the problem rather than a solution to fix things!
I have not reached out to the CCS administration or the school board. After waiting more than 14 months for them to bungle a public records request, I decided I would not be a part of beating a dead horse. After all, the odds are 6-3 against getting the truth.
More to come!