The insanity of yielding to the preferred
(Disclosure: the topic is preferred pronouns and such)
It’s time that people put away this world of pretend and face the facts. Pandering to the masses to indulge those who “prefer” to defy reality to fulfill a fairytale-like fantasy is absurd and dangerous.
In hospitals, doctors’ offices, and legal documents, I’ve seen a section seeking your “preferred” pronoun or some other such idiocy. This is another portion of the combined pandemics facing us today. If we don’t comply, we bring this mess upon those who can’t cope unless we yield to the preferred.
Preferred is not a lawful order…nor guaranteed. Yet, there are instances where people have been punished because they refused to go along to get along.
Preferred cannot be enforced, but there are judges, school administrators, politicians, and others, willing to make up laws rather than clear this mess by stating the truth.
How about the other side of this coin? Those who are expected to do the yielding to the preferred. Why aren’t the pretenders required to accept that we prefer to live in the real world? They are preferring that we are required to tolerate their foolishness.
Tolerance is not grace. Tolerance is giving up your belief system catering to your enemies, and not expecting anything. Grace is forgiving, but requires an inward change, along with an outward manifestation of that change.
I prefer to be paid daily…but that doesn’t fulfill anything. I will be paid as the boss and I agreed.
I prefer to receive a double portion of my pay and prefer to work from home, but, no luck.
I prefer certain brand items but some are beyond my budget and affordability.
This preferred business has become a charade that other countries laugh about, as they point to those dumb Americans. Seeing “administrative leaders” dressed like tranny hookers looking for a downtown lover” shown on the cover of what once were reputable magazines and news publications, hailing our diversity.
Perversity is not diversity.
The evolution of pretenders
Tadpoles to frogs ✔
Caterpillars to butterflies ✔
Women to men × men to women × any other preferences × Nope!