Willie’s Boys and The Hand Jive
Here we are, in the midst of turmoil regarding the Presidential election. And again, Al Gore has proven that he is still a liar. I fear that he may be even worse than Bill Clinton. Clinton stretches the truth…Al disregards it. I feel safe to say that we are seeing the old axiom, about “power corrupts” come to pass. Al Gore wants to be president at any cost. And Bill Clinton wants Al Gore to be president at any cost. Gore, surrounded by a cast that would make The Godfather wince, is pulling out all stops to win this election.
We keep hearing cries about a democracy when this is supposed to be a democratic republic. Why the Republican Party itself is sitting still during this mayhem is beyond me. I even had to check my birth certificate to be sure that I wasn’t born last night. As usual, the Democrats are casting the blame on the Republicans regarding the fraudulent ballots in Florida. Only in a state where many homes are made from recycled beer cans, would Al Gore and his henchmen go about intimidating voters to cast their ballots for them.
All this garbage about these ballots being confusing to people, when it has been shown that a fourth-grade class had no problem with it. Maybe they should have just put a picture of a jackass on the ballot, and then people would not be confused. They could then say: “Yeah, that’s my man”. After a couple of legitimate recounts, and Gore has gained phenomenal votes, is it probable that this is a square deal? Bush sure knew what he was talking about when he coined the phrase “fuzzy math” because from what I’ve seen and heard from the recount, fuzzy math is an understatement. Now, of course, they want to do a hand count. Sure thing…no problem. But who will watch the hands? This is where the hand jive comes into play.
You see, little Billy Jeff has already whined that the media was Pro Bush. This, spoken from a man whose ass the same said press kissed with regularity, crying Pro Bush? Want to see my birth certificate, Billy Jeff? I wasn’t born last night. I would say that the media is partly to blame for some voters not going to the polls after the early calls. And then a flip…and then a flop…and then a whoa! And all this talk about doing away with the electoral process. Yeah, right. Do you think I want the people who can’t read a ballot to decide who the next president is? Take a pill and a powder. Ain’t gonna happen. Would Al be crying about this if the results were switched? No way. He is a loser and a very poor one at that. And to beat it all, we have the less-than-honorable Arlen Specter in public when he should be home in bed, due to a serious case of diarrhea-of-the- mouth.
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA), in George mag, on Bush:
“I’ve read all the stuff about him, but I don’t know who he is. He’s a man who was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth. He didn’t have to make Phi Beta Kappa to succeed, the way I did”
(Nicholas, Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/17).
Succeed? Where, Mr. Spectacle? In Scotland? Sure hasn’t been as a senator. You weren’t even present, remember? I would suppose he would like to bring this country to the degree of being a third-world country. In a way, this country has already reached that. I would expect some other countries to have problems at the ballot box, having to employ armed guards and such. But I never dreamed that I would see the day when the same is needed here in America, the land of the free, home of the brave…now known as the land of the bought and paid for, home of the corrupt. I will not be surprised at the results of the final tally of the votes. I’m sure that they will conveniently slide into the Gore column. One thing is for sure, if we, the citizens of the republic of The United States of America, allow this to happen without even a whimper, God help us all.
In the meantime, I too, want a recount…in ALL the other states…and then, I want to cast my vote again. In closing, remembering the remark that George W. Bush made at the close of the debates, regarding only voting once for his opponent, seems to have been extremely prophetic, no?