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Well, tis the season to be ugly, fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la. Guess what socialist heads? I have had enough. This election fraud and hijacking of the Presidency is not about Dems and Repubs. It’s now about me. Do you hear me, Paul “Dog-face” Begala? How about you, Ms. Piggy at the Washington Post’s fashion desk? How about you “Bugsey Daley”? Do you understand what I’m saying? I’m just a dumb old country boy, so I will speak extremely simply for your pedigrees. My name is Legion, and I’m coming after you people. Not physically, because that would be much too easy. No, I don’t want violence, because I could hurt you in three different ways…hard, fast, and continuously. This fight is about my freedom. I can’t leave this war up to my representatives, because they’re all a bunch of do-nothings. They’re afraid to get their hands dirty. They wouldn’t dare sully their reputation of being nice guys. Guess what? After this is over, you will never accuse me of being a nice guy. When it comes to my vote, I do not hide under some ridiculous Scottish law and whisper “Not present”. You bunch of jug heads, let’s get it on!

I’m talking to you Congress. I’m yelling at you Senate. I’m speaking to you Governors. Get up off your Clymers. Don’t worry about whether or not people will think you’re mean-spirited. They’re going to think that regardless. You might as well start supporting the rumors, no? Take off your coats, jerk off the ties, roll up your sleeves, lose a little dignity, and start gaining some respect. Act like an American, for goodness’ sake. We don’t need politicians and lawyers. We are overdosed on those as it is. We need warriors, and courageous patriots to stand up and be heard. People who will dare the enemy to knock this chip from our shoulders. And when they do, by all means, don’t invite them to “well just do it again”…frail the living crap out of them…with the truth of the matter. Call them what they are. Tell the world that they are a bunch of socialist pigs. Tell the world that you know that these people are cheats, liars, bums, bullies, rag-tags, powerful wannabes. Stand up to them. There’s not a fight in any of them. They are nothing more than global warming at its finest. All bark and no bite. Hot air at its finest.

Let them rant and rave and speak louder and above everyone else. When they have run out of gas, lower the boom on them. Smack them with the truth. Punch them with our constitution. Shoot them with our freedoms. Jab them with their agenda. Tie them with their rope of racism. Silence them with their spin. Expose them for what they are. The reason “our side” has been losing this fight is that so many people have been distracted by worrying about what so-and-so will think. If you knew how little so-and-so thought about you, it would distract you even more. So, forget that. Fight! Fight! Fight! Can you imagine a boxer in a fight for the title, knowing he’s the champ, and the guy on the other side of the ring is after the belt he’s wearing? And the champ goes back to the corner, after being pulverized in the first round, and whines to his trainers that the guy is killing him. And the champ keeps saying that he doesn’t want to hurt the guy. He just wants to out-fight him and hope he will win by decision. Right. That’s what a champ is supposed to do? Hardly! Well, why doesn’t our side change its fighting habits? The above scenario is exactly what has been happening in America.

Too many politicians are worried about votes and money and not taking care of the people…you and me! They have been working so hard to maintain a friendly image, that we are getting our keisters cleaned. We don’t need guns. We don’t even need ballots or bullets. All we need is resolve. Resolve, with a common goal, and a will to win. I’m ready for that. How about you?

So, bring it on, Dog-Face. Bring it on, Cue-Ball. Bring it on, Bugsey. I am ready for all of you. Bring it on, you hussy from the Post. Arm yourselves to the teeth and bring a bad attitude, because will need it. Remember, it will not be a short fight, because that’s not what I want. I want to punish you. I want you to beg for mercy. And guess what? Mercy is not in the socialists’ handbook. You lose! When all is said and done, and you still are looking for a fight, think twice. I will not be intimidated by a bully, and that’s what you all are. My parting shot is this, and please do not forget this, you socialist creeps. After I have whipped you fair and square, you will not even breathe the word recount. Once I have whipped you, that will be enough. But, I will leave you this promise…after I have cleaned your clock…from that moment on, every time I see you, every time you cross my path, I will do it again! Do you want mean-spirited? Well, baby, you’ve got it! Don’t tread on me.