The Religion of Peace Meets the War From Hell
I understand how one could come up on either side of the issue regarding this war with Iraq.
I plead for you to hear me out.
I hope there are those of you who are versed enough in the Word to realize what I’m saying here. The rest could not even buy a clue or a vowel. Anyway, I will share a true story from many years ago. Believe what you will, but here it is.
In the First Book of Samuel, Chapter 15, please read that closely. It tells of a man, Samuel, a prophet in his time, whom God spoke to and through. At this particular time, there were a bunch of Amalekites whom God wanted destroyed because they hated His chosen ones. In this setting, we see that God has said that he wants every man, woman, child, baby, and animal destroyed”….put an end to them.
Let’s look at two different fronts here. First of all, we have seen how the Iraqis have treated our POWs, and it’s beyond inhumane. Whether you agree or disagree with this war, I think you feel anger about this. Anyway, it doesn’t matter.
I’ve grown worse than tired of hearing about this cult being described as a religion of peace. These people who practice this brand of religion are no more than thugs, who torture and kill, simply because of their hatred for those who defy them or disagree with them. Yet, the media and the Arab TV pundits, act as if we’re the bad guys. We are going out of our way to keep the regular population intact, targeting only military buildings and military people. We must realize now that war is not a place to remain a lady or a gentleman.
Our military planners have been much too lenient in this time of war. Calculations that make it more dangerous for our service people, and now we should do something about it. Remember, this is a war, not a war game. Once you’re down in this war, there’s no getting up, going back for a shower and chow. This is the real deal…for both sides. Now we should be fighting like that.
These Iraqi soldiers have clearly stated they’re disregarding all rules of war and are behaving according to their religion. So, Akbar, you want a frickin’ religious war? Read on, my man…while you can!
You see when battles are fought and war is waged under God’s command, Akbar, no prisoners are left behind. God told Saul, via Samuel, to destroy all men, women, children, babies, cattle…you see the picture, marble head?
There is a reason for this too. God is angry, He has been provoked…and that is mistake number one. Sure, He’s a loving God of a second chance, but He is also a vengeful God of the last chance. Ask the folks from Sodom and Gomorrah about the kind of urban renewal plan he had for them. Talk to the people of Nineveh about their warning. So, if the gang of thugs over there want a religious war, they should read the Bible, not the Koran, and see how we fight those kinds of wars. Kinda like one of those “death matches, or cage matches” you used to see on “Rasslin”. There’s no second place…just a winner, and then those on the other side that were killed and destroyed.
o matter how the TV people and the “anyone but America” crowd play this, we are a hated nation, whether we are at war or in peace. It matters not that we babysit the world, spoon-feed the lazy, turn a blind eye to our enemies, and pay off agitators, we are still hated, so what do we have to lose? It’s time we started breaking some backs in this war…we can be ladies and gentlemen later after we sort this mess out.
I’m sick and tired of Hollywood and that band of thugs whining about things they know nothing about. All I can say is, get in line. You could be next. I would bet with all the comfort of winning, that if 911 had happened in Hollywood, they would be singing a different tune. Their world is make-believe and they take themselves much too seriously. Remember, they are only role-playing, and after the part is over, they move on to the next one, so knowing that, what makes them a Foreign Policy expert? I rest my case on that one.
Why did I mention Hollywood? Well, this bunch is like a religious cult as well. They are nothing more than a mutual admiration society who make their living pretending to be an average person when in real life, they are spoiled and rich hypocrites. They live a lie, and we know who the father of those is, right?
So, I feel now is the time to band together, call our fellow Americans everywhere, stand together, and declare war on all that is evil. Yes, Hollywood, and those on the left, there is good and evil in this world. You can’t see it because you’re too close to it…simple as that. Beware, because there is a day of reckoning in our future. It’s up to you which side you will be found…not just as an American, but as a human being. You’re either for us, or you’re against us.