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Roadmap for Peace: Temporarily Out of Order



What is wrong with this Roadmap for Peace being pumped by the Bush Administration? We have heard every spokesperson from within all departments speak about how eventually, peace will be won, just as soon as the Israeli people stop bombing the terrorists, and when the “Palestinian Freedom Fighters” really honor their cease-fire. Yeah, and when hell freezes over, you can skate across it!

The sad part regarding this whole charade is -that they are supposed to be intelligent people making decisions regarding us and the rest of the world, but if you look closely, you can quickly see there are no such critters to be found. The talking points and the sock puppets continue to spin their rhetoric and would have us believe all that is needed is for both sides to sit down, raise their right hands, and swear to stop the violence, then kiss and make nice. Guess what, Washington…it ain’t gonna happen.

The latest news is the resignation of Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas.  He is undermined by Arafat and the powers that be continue to carry on with this fictitious road map. Isn’t it poetic that the people who cannot even maintain our own country, especially on the domestic front, and fighting multiple “wars on terrorism”, while bloating the governmental spending, are trying to tell Israel how to handle their country? Also, Arafat and his band of thugs are not considered terrorists by the “softer side” of politics, lest we offend the Saudi people, our dear friends.

At the beginning of the President’s term in office, I felt as if America was headed in the right direction, but since 911, things have escalated beyond control, regarding spending. We’re throwing money at purported problems hoping to win friends and influence people. Gee, what a terrific solution. See how well it’s working? There is no such thing as conservatism anymore, at least from what we are being served daily. We have a majority in the Senate, even though a slim margin it is, you would think it was 70-30, in favor of the Democrats, by the action, or lack of, by the Republican-held Senate. And yet, these same people want to tell other countries how to behave and handle their crises? Give me a break!

We have today, a total administration that seems to be clueless as to what to do about anything, other than pander to gays, court the Hispanics, open the floodgates so that illegal immigrants may overload the country, and hopefully, they will vote “R” in the next election. Cool politics, huh? Yeah, if you happen to be anything other than American. I would ask the leadership of today this string of questions: When do you plan to declare war on the economy…on our borders…on the massive amounts of jobs that are being lost? It looks like there are terrorists occupying office space in the Senate and in the House, who are holding our Constitution hostage, and no one in authority is making a peep about it. Why? Because those in authority are part of the hijacking process.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for this War on Terrorism and War on Drugs and all things evil, but what about the domestic war we’re facing? What, you ask? It’s simple, it has become a war of “us” (American citizens) against “them” (the big government). I would think Bush is a one-termer, by judging conversations I have with people daily, as everyone seems to ask the same question: “What the hell is Bush thinking?” I’ve said it over and over, this President has been the best friend the Democrats have ever had. Folks, we are in serious trouble. Not only by the present leadership, but the choices, or lack of, that we see for our future. The Democratic field has a line-up that looks just like a, well…a line-up. And I doubt if anyone will challenge the President from the Republican Party. And what do the Independent parties offer? It’s pretty much hopeless. I’m tired of voting for the lesser of the evils, because when it’s all said and done, you still have the evil, regardless of how “lesser” it appears to be.

I would love to see a trend develop with the next election cycle, with people voting their conscience rather than for a “Consonant”. Many seem to believe if the “R” side picks up a few more seats, things will change, and they will “actually be in charge.” Again, it isn’t going to happen. If the Senate and House were both 100% R, there would still not be enough testosterone to enhance a flea. There are no wonder drugs, magic numbers, or solutions to this situation. We need people who have values and care about the American people and not be so concerned about power and petty bickering. Unfortunately, that will never happen, as we have allowed these thugs to become lifetime politicians who are all comfy in their lust for power, and who do not have a clue as to the price of gasoline in their hometowns.

These folks are drunk on power and staggering on self-absorption. Not a nickel’s worth of difference between the parties, yet, we continue to keep sending them back to DC, just because of a particular letter near their name. Are we brilliant or what? We swear things will get better when we get that “real majority”. Sorry folks, that’s not even reality. Things will only get better when the American people have had enough, and begin to make their voices heard, and demand accountability, Until then, regardless of who holds the power, it will be the same old crap, over and over again.

So, using the Roadmap for Peace as just one example, we see yet again, how our elected leaders have no idea to run a country, let alone, a foreign one. We need help here, and now! Oh yeah, I forgot about the tax cuts. Yeah, that will cure everything. Tell that to those in my county, with an unemployment rate near 13%. Ask the simple folks around here what they think of this Roadmap for Peace. Ask them about the economy. Ask them about how happy they are to see a bloated government and a wimpy Senate. Not on a federal level, but here at home as well. It’s time we do what should have been done long ago. Get up, speak up, put up, or shut up…simple as that. We should make Washington aware that there is also a Roadmap for Peace needed for this country, and it starts at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

What sayeth ye, George?