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Political Courtesans



“There are only two kinds of women — goddesses and doormats.”  — Pablo Picasso
“And there are only two kinds of Political Sluts — short term and long term.”  — Hal Trtammell
(BTW, this word Courtesan, derives from the Latin form of “cohort”.)
While researching the article tonight, things went crazy right out of the gate. Normally, I write one of two ways…much research and carefully crafted or wide open and full speed ahead. This turned into a little of both. As I did the research, which started with an article about some Capitol Hill aides finding an old record of George Washington, dating from 1790, and as I read of the pay these dear people received compared to our present bunch, I found it worse than laughable.

As I discovered, back in 1790, a little more than 312 years ago, the Congress received $6 per day plus a maximum of $6 per day travel…while they attended the session. Less than 3 years ago, I served on a jury here in my hometown, and I received $12 per day. So, to think that my pay was equal to one of the original forefather’s pay 312 years ago, I had to smile…as it was much easier to bear. And the irony of it all is this… We, as jurors, had to weigh through a mass of info, from a sloppy prosecution, in hopes that the defendant would trip himself up, which he did. And the laws we’re trying to balance in this case were made by these same people who just granted themselves a $4700 per year raise in pay. Oh, I know. It was approved previously, but they had to vote on it to appear they were humble servants.

I use the term servants lightly because these elected people are no more than prostitutes, who sell their wares to the highest bidder for a little pocket money, otherwise known as Campaign Contributions. Whores, the whole lot of them. They have no idea what their constituents feel and desire. They are so out of touch with reality, it would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. Just today, I was reading some articles in the online Morganton News-Herald, about things that happened a hundred-plus years ago, when men had character. Men, who were drawn into politics because of the love they had for their fellow man…regardless of color. Men who were drawn into politics because they genuinely cared for their fellow Americans and their country and held no interest in such things as PAC donors, because thankfully, none were in existence back then.

To show that I’m non-partisan, I speak to you all. The sum and total of the House and Senate. The same people who are so “holier than thou”, but who have regulated everyone around them so that they may become Political Prostitutes, with no offense to real prostitutes. Real prostitutes do offer a service and are upfront about it.

Political Prostitutes have no shame and will lie down with anyone for any reason as long as their “club card” is green….show me the money! As the old joke goes, except with a different setting, the real Christmas Story could not have happened on Capitol Hill, simply because they couldn’t find 3 Wise Men nor a virgin. But, I guess one could interpret the people bearing gifts in the Christmas Story as today’s lobbyists.

Now, for the intro, I digress! As stated at the beginning, I was drawn to this book found on Capitol Hill, dating some 300+ years ago. Then the thought hit me, after reading a little bit about the pay scale back in those days, and the way the current elected officials are no more than prostitutes. So, more research turned up a book by Charles Winick, called “The Lively Commerce”, which is a Look at Prostitution in the USA. Naturally, my thoughts meandered to DC, where else? And then, I found the book is no longer in print, but could be purchased through various sources for as little as $.13, but time would not even allow that. So, I dug a little deeper into this “prostitution angle” and came away with some stuff that blew me away, and I would like to share that with you.

I checked out a little blurb from this book:
Controlling Vice: Regulating Brothel Prostitution in St. Paul, 1865-1883 (History of Crime and Criminal Justice Series)
Author: Joel Best, Jeffrey S. Adler (Editor), David R. Johnson (Editor)
Publisher: Ohio State University Press
Date Published: January 1999
Here’s the scoop from the book itself
: Publisher’s description:

For eighteen years following the Civil War, the police in St. Paul, Minnesota, informally regulated brothel prostitution. Each month, the madams who ran the brothels were charged with keeping houses of ill fame and fined in the city’s municipal court. In effect, they were paying licensing fees in order to operate illegal enterprises. This arrangement was open; during this period, the city’s newspapers published hundreds of articles about vice and its regulation. Joel Best claims that the sort of informal regulation in St. Paul was common in the late nineteenth century and was far more typical than the better known but brief experiment with legalization tried in St. Louis. With few exceptions, the usual approach to these issues of social control has been to treat informal regulation as a form of corruption, but Best’s view is that St. Paul’s arrangement exposes the assumption that the criminal justice system must seek to eradicate crime. He maintains that other policies are possible.

In a book that integrates history and sociology, the author has reconstructed the municipal court records for most of 1865–83, using newspaper articles, an arrest ledger kept by the St. Paul police, and municipal court dockets. He has been able to trace which madams operated brothels and the identities of many of the prostitutes who lived and worked in them.

Joel Best is a professor of sociology and chair of the Department of Sociology at Southern Illinois University. He is editor of the journal Social Problems and coauthor of Organizing Deviance.

So, with that bit of info, I ask you to decide…is Capitol Hill not rolling in abundance with Political Courtesans? Seems to me that’s the situation, but I could be wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time. But I will say this, as stated to females everywhere near and far, young and old, and now stating to our politicos in DC…it’s time to put out or get out!

Mr. Secretary, are you seeking a quota here? Are you trying to emulate the phrase “stupid is as stupid does”? If so, you have nailed it, sir. I do not understand your logic, or lack of it, in regard to these very people who have committed terrorist acts globally, and who have no respect for human life other than their own stinking lives. And you want to welcome these people into our country, and also allow us to prop them up with our tax dollars, so they may send their earnings home to kill us in the name of Allah? Take a powder, Mr. Secretary.

You and your minions that surround you have all tiptoed around these people from the beginning to the point of becoming Politically Correct in your actions. American citizens are feeling the brunt of your horrific actions even though they are the guilty party. Why should we welcome a genre of people who want nothing more than to see us all dead? Tell you what, Mr. P. Let them sleep at your house. Show them what real diversity is all about. If I were you, I would invest in a lightning rod that can be attached to your physical body, because if your words and deeds reflect your true feelings, then one day, I fear that a huge bolt is headed your way. It’s for sure, that Allah is not going to protect you!

In closing, I would like to add this thought. When you see what’s going on in Afghanistan, what has happened in Bali, what happened to our men and women on the USS Cole, what happened to the WTC and the Pentagon, and to many people on the ill-fated flight that crashed in a field, how can you sleep at night with the thoughts of wanting more of these people amongst us? How about your boss? How does he feel about your latest statements regarding these people? After all, did he not say “You’re either with us or against us?” ts It’s time for a reality check, Mr. Secretary.

……and they sang a hymn and went away….”I love you – You love me – We’re a happy family”…..sing that on Capitol Hill during your next news conference…hold hands with Arafat and Annan and company. It should play well.