Pandering from a safe place
Since Donald J. Trump returned to the Whitehouse, the outpouring of whining has become more annoying than a room full of gnats. So many people are terrified of “Trump”, and what he will do, because he is Hitler reincarnated, you know.
He’s been in office less than two weeks, yet, the same people who say he’s moving too quickly, also claim it’s his fault that planes are crashing because of his changes. It’s not like that when he appoints someone and fires someone, they immediately change places and take over within minutes. It’s not like a game of musical chairs.
Safe places are for those who are too brittle and narrow-minded to handle disagreements and opposition to what they believe and discuss. They cry a lot. They lie a lot. They are a sorry lot.
These pandering professionals, or professional panderers are found in front of TV cameras, behind news desks, and/or holding press conferences in their echo chambers. Rinse and repeat.
This is the same crowd who claims that Elon Musk did a Nazi salute and Donald Trump guilty of all things Russia. There is no appeasing them. How do you appease those who are doing nothing, except having an attention-seeking temper tantrum?
You vote them out of office. It’s doubtful that anyone will go into these places and create a cleansing of the chambers. That wouldn’t make it on a news broadcast. Tables turned, literally!
And those media folks, the tide is turning.
See Norah O’Donnell, Jim Acosta, and Chuck Todd,