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Jesse Jackson: I, Me, Mine



Now that the election has been settled, or at least I hope it has, more tales are appearing in various locations around the globe and on the net. We’ve seen that the Rev. Jackson is asking for a massive, but peaceful demonstration during the Presidential Inauguration. Knowing that I would suppose there would be cameras or Jesse would not appear. I’m sure all of you have noticed that Jesse will go nowhere unless he is assured cameras and microphones. I would be willing to bet that one of Rev. Jackson’s first toys was a Mr. Microphone, and a thesaurus. Lately, he has been preaching the “disenfranchisement” sermon, referring to anything that has the potential to divide people and get himself some TV time, as Selma. Everything from Houston to Florida, to Texas, is Selma. Jesse needs to do a little research regarding civil rights and the citizenship of the black population. The Republican Party has a much better record in fighting for civil rights than Jesse’s Democratic cohorts.

As I have written, Jesse never met a camera he didn’t like. He is always fighting the fight for the curtsying citizens who dance to their “self-selected” piper. He’s always complaining about the unfairness of the people he is trying to lead to the promised land. The bad thing about that is this: these people have no limos to follow Jesse. They don’t have supporters to throw money at them and their cause, so that they may be heard. He whips the people into a frenzy via rhyme and rhetoric, limerick and lingo. Yes, the Rev. Jackson is a smooth talker indeed. But I would challenge him that these people he is fighting for need education, not legislation. They need not be concerned with “get out the bushes”, but rather get in the butteries. See, Jesse, I can hang with you in the rhyme and rhetoric jive too. Your old mantra of “no justice – no peace” should have been “no job – don’t eat”. Your BS and venom were encouraging those who were “less fortunate” to take to the streets and plunder their village. You became furious when black men, who had stomped, kicked, beaten, and bashed a white man within an inch of his life, were called thugs. What do you call Jewish people you don’t like? What do you call white people you don’t like? Do you speak kind of them? Is it fitting to call a thug something other than a thug? Look in the mirror, Rev. Does the mirror say “You sure ain’t pretty – but you’re oh so witty”?

As you call yourself a minister, and I realize that you have been ordained as such, (and I have a fishing license, but that makes me no fisherman…ya dig?) I am curious as to where the Bible speaks of God’s rewarding speech to His followers, “Well done, my good and faithful servant”, does that make you feel belittled, because you are referred to as a servant? Doesn’t that seem racist? I’m surprised that you haven’t taken the Bible to task for such bigotry. Ah, I see. That’s different, right? It’s a shame that many people are blind to what you are doing to those you claim to love. They should be empowered through education, hard work, and self-sustaining characteristics that would make these people winners, instead of whiners. But, you can’t, because that would be the end of your egg bag. Who knows, a little hard work, and presto, everyone will be hauled around in a limo, right? What’s your secret, Rev? I would like to know, because one thing is for sure, it isn’t the fallacy that you’re preaching. If it worked, then your audience would be gone. Everyone would prosper. So, instead of the “I, Me, Mine” attitude, maybe you should listen to the people instead of the people listening to you. What do you have to lose? Oh yeah, I forgot!