I’m A Big Fan
As the camera pans to the broadcast booth, Hillary Rodham Clinton is shown singing “Take Me Out to The Ball Game”. Is this poetic justice or what? The world of politics and her supposedly “run for the senate seat in New York” is no more than a game for Hillary. Yes, Saint Hillary has finally come out of the closet and revealed that she is indeed a true “Yankee fan”. Imagine how the Mets must feel about this! Elated, perhaps! Yes, Ms. Hillary never one to miss a photo-op, is seen wearing a Yankee’s baseball cap with that goofy grin as if she had just pitched a perfect game. Well, let me tell you, in this game of “run for the senate” that she’s playing, she may be handed a shutout, because her opponent is no light-weight! He is a lifelong “big fan” and also a hometown boy! Hillary is a visitor, a carpetbagger at best, using the vicinity to enhance her selfish endeavors. Do you think she awakes singing “New York, New York”? Hardly! She probably wakes up to “If I Had a Hammer”.
Hillary has never been one to be genuinely concerned about her so-called “village”. She is concerned with what’s good for Hillary. She showed this to be true when she visited New York, launching her “listening tour”. If she listened, she would hear the cries of “Hillary Go Home”, except she has no real home to retreat to. She has renounced Arkansas and blamed the VRWC for being against her and her cheating spouse, simply because they were from Arkansas. Even the motel bars in Arkansas won’t play Bill’s favorite tune anymore…” Those Arkansas Motel Showers, Won’t Wash My Sins Away”. She won’t go back to Illinois, simply because there’s not a vacant seat there, or at least a vacant seat wide enough to accommodate her backside along with her ego!
Why does Hillary wear so many hats? Duh! Because she is a self-serving power-hungry politician, that’s why. Do you think for a minute that she cares about kids and families who are suffering? Whether it be in New York, Illinois, or Arkansas. Or if she cares about the devastation that the people of Yugoslavia have suffered? Not on your life. Life is just a photo-op and a political purpose for the First Lady. (though I use the term lady loosely) Yep, she is a big fan for sure. The Cubbies today, the Yankees tomorrow, The Chicom Reds. Go Hillary go, with your “non-partisan politicking”.
I think that Ms. Clinton thinks she can fool all the people all the time, but I have news for her. Not only does she not know anything, she doesn’t even suspect anything. How can she have all the answers when she knows none of the questions? For starters, would she feel it would be a safer bet to put her money on the Yankees to win the series versus risking it in cattle futures again? Hmm. We’ll see how she plays in New York.
Exit, Hil…Stage LEFT!