Has Anyone Seen Jonah?
Lately, I have been expecting Jonah to show up in the Florida area, after making a brief visit in D.C., hoping he could help settle this election miscarriage. I’m sure that he has a message, sent directly from his boss to all voters in America. How his message would be taken and interpreted is another story. But, we’ll stick with what we have here and see how it pans out. I want you to play pretend with me for a few moments. Afterward, you can form your own opinion of events that are unfolding.
Now and then, in a civilized, God-fearing society, things get a little crazy. And the people who hate these civilized, God-fearing society types, will revert to the lowest denominator to cause pain and suffering to these people. This is nothing new, as it started at creation and has rapidly accelerated since. We have watched this so-called “recount” several times now, and we still hear the battle cry from the liberal left and the newsless pundits…their new set of talking points, and their new mantra…”count ’em again”. We’ve heard about people not understanding the ballots, people accidentally voting for the wrong guy, and people confused in general…yet, they want some of these same people to do a hand count of the votes. Excuse me? The thing that bothers me most, is not the fact that Gore and his bigoted, cowardly, pompous minions constantly lie to the public. It’s the fact that they think we’re stupid enough to believe them!
A man who changes personalities at a grander pace than Imelda Marcos changes shoes is scary. I think that the man is fraudulent. A very sick man with a sick mind, willing to do anything to secure the Presidency of the USA. We know that Clinton lies…mostly about things he has done or not done. Al Gore is much more dangerous. He has shown his true feeling towards America and its brave warriors who have given their lives, and continue to sacrifice themselves, so that he may be able to screw the constitution. A real prince indeed. Of darkness, maybe? I usually try to refrain from bringing religion into politics, but this is one time I will have my say. If you are offended, wonderful. No one has given you the absolute right not to be offended. I’m offended as I write this. I’m offended by the pathetic bunch of socialists who want to take our liberties our freedom and our God-given rights from us. I’m offended that the Republican party is trying to portray themselves as gentlemen, and being meek and quiet. They are so afraid of the accusations they may be smeared with. Let me tell you what, fellas…whether you sit on your butt, or whether you fight fire with fire, the other side is going to smear you anyway…so why not have at it?
I believe with all my heart that something is going on, way beyond and outside the realm of politics. When Gore commented on this being good versus evil, he told the truth. He just didn’t realize it nor did he mean to. There is a very intense spiritual war going on, and until more people realize it and respond to it, America is down the tubes. If we allow these things to continue, we will have a heavy price to pay, and I don’t believe that we are ready to pay it.
You see, this Jonah that I eluded to in the title of this, happens to be the Jonah from the Bible who had a tremendous experience in a place called Nineveh. After finally being obedient to God, Jonah went into this great city proclaiming the message that was given to him, that if the good citizens of Nineveh didn’t get their act together within the next 40 days, they would become a greasy spot in the parking lot. Guess what happened? The king and his kingdom took this message very seriously. It wasn’t that the king believed Jonah because Jonah was only a messenger. The king believed God and knew that His word was good. And, the people repented and mercy was given to them. Today, we don’t have a promise of 40 days, or even 40 minutes, yet, many people spew venomous hatred towards the messenger but towards the source also. God will not be mocked. And in my opinion. we as a nation are close to yanking the chain that could hang us all. No, I’m not looking for mass repentance. I have enough to keep up with in my own life. However, I am looking for some quality people to step up to the plate for America and say that enough is enough, and to shine much light into the darkness of this election farce. Unless a gathering of good people arise and speak the truth, I’m afraid the party is over.
You don’t have to take my word for it. And you really shouldn’t. I suggest you read the Second Chapter of Jonah and see for yourself. You would be amazed at how this parallels the events in Florida. I’ll say this much. You won’t ever see me at Disney World!