Fleecing the Flock Pt.2
After a lengthy discussion with my best friend, I realized what was wrong with our kids today. Believe it or not, this was not a hard conclusion to reach. It was quite simple after giving it just a little thought.
If you are over 40, then you can relate much better to this revelation. Remember when you were a kid and discipline was part of your upbringing? I’m not talking about being abused, but soundly corrected when you happened to do something wrong.
When I was a youngster, I recall sneaking off to the river with my older brother, without my parent’s blessings. After about 10 minutes of enjoying our newfound freedom, my brother and I heard the distinct voice of our father, assuring us that our party was over. We had the pleasure of picking a choice limb from a plum bush as our source of discipline. And we were whipped for about a half-mile, every step of the way. And guess what? My brother and I have no long-lasting problems because of this. We didn’t grow up wanting to hurt someone else…we didn’t want to go and kill someone, because we realized that we brought our fate upon ourselves and we got what we deserved. I realize today’s people will not understand the fine art of discipline as was administered some 40-plus years ago…and my friends, that is the problem!
In our schools today, children are not faced with the discipline we were introduced to. Unfortunately, it shows, as with the problems that are divulged today, such as shootings, riots, fights, and so forth. When I was a student, the worst things that could happen were to be caught smoking in a restricted area, get caught chewing gum in class, throw a “spit-wad”, and maybe a fight twice a year. And also, we had regular “Chapel Services” which included open prayer by a local minister.
But today, our government has stated that we cannot have prayer in schools, let alone ministers to speak to the kids. And if you will be honest with yourselves, you will agree that since all the above have been taken from our schools things have gone downhill. I’m not saying that this is the reason…but I am implying that it is something to think about. We have, with the control of our Federal Government become a “Godless Society”, and because of that, we continue to pay dearly. Our punishment is very scriptural…the sins of our fathers will visit our children. Like it or not, America, you can blame it on guns, movies, video and computer games, or anything else, but the truth lies in what I have just stated. Our nation will perish because of our lack of knowledge. Don’t take my word for it, read it for yourselves.
I’m not trying to impose religion on you here, but you can see for yourselves that what I am saying does carry some weight. You can pass the buck and place the blame wherever you choose, but it all boils down to heart trouble. Parents are neglecting their children and the hearts of the children are being filled with hatred and indifference. And that, my friends, is the crux of the problem.