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Finger Print This



After dealing with a few health issues, plus a bad case of the flu, I’m irritable, grouchy, grumpy, and just plain old bitchy. So, with that said, may I introduce to you something that I found in the news from Geneva:

“Every person in the world would be fingerprinted and registered under a universal identification scheme to fight illegal immigration and people smuggling outlined at a United Nations meeting today. The plan was put forward by Pascal Smet, the head of Belgium’s independent asylum review board, at a roundtable meeting with ministers including Australian Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock this afternoon.

Mr Smet said the European Union was already considering a Europe-wide system, using either fingerprints or eye scanning technology, to identify citizens.

But he said the plan could be extended worldwide. “There are no technical problems. It is only a question of will and investment,” he said. Well, there you have it. The big guns at the U.N. want us all under one umbrella. I have news for them. Mr. Smet seems to think that all is well and the sheep will follow this wolf to slaughter.  That’s what you’ll get from me! We don’t care for outsiders waltzing into our lives demanding fingerprints, IDs, pictures, etc. If you want a picture, then catch me on vacation, but tiptoe, and be on your best behavior. Else you might get…..well, I won’t go there, because then you’ll want to ID that too.

But let me tell you guys at the U.N. a thing or two. You’re messing with the wrong crowd here. You see, just a few months ago, another peckerhead by the name of Osama bin Laden tried to ruin America. He failed. And surely, Mr. Smet, you should know that we will fight you as hard or harder than that scum. I suggest you fall in line, take a number, and sit your dumb butt down, and chill for a spell. As my friend used to say, “If we want anything outta you, we’ll knock it outta you.” Very simple. Do you understand that, Smet?

It’s simple if you will just check it out. You see, the American people do not bow down nor cater to the U.N. As a matter of fact, most of us see it as a waste of our money and our time. We have enough of your kind working in our government today. We’re working hard to do away with them, so naturally, we don’t have time for the likes of you.

We’ve seen your kind before, and honestly, as we say here, “we don’t cotton” to that kind of stuff. We were doing fine before you came along, and we’ll do just as well if you leave us be. Know what I mean, Smet?

Everyone wants to listen in on our conversations, read our e-mails, check our bank logs, and who knows what else. We think you are a bit too nosy for our good. You should be watching people that pose a genuine threat as opposed to us regular folk, ya know? But that wouldn’t become you, would it Smet? You want power and control. Well, let me tell ya, dude, I got your control right here!

I don’t know why you people in the U.N. think the people in America are such a bunch of pushovers. Ask the Taliban how we are. Ask bin Laden and Omar how we react. If you want a dose yourself, well belly up to the proverbial bar and sit tight. We will get to you shortly. Frankly, most of us think your nose is someplace where it shouldn’t be. After all, this is not the past administration. And if the present administration seems to bend your way, guess what? We won’t bend. We will still feel the same. It’s not about politics and parties. It’s about privacy, and if you come poking your nose around where it shouldn’t belong, then let this be a warning to you.

Ask Whorealdo what happens when you place your beak in the middle of a fight. It will hurt, and it will hurt for a long time. Think about it like this, Smet. I’m not the only one. You had better believe there are more out there just like me, or even feel more strongly than myself. Then, what are you going to do? Where will you go?

I close with the infamous words of John Wayne, in the motion picture, True Grit!

As a challenge to you and yours…..”Fill your hands, you son-of-a-bitch”.

Good day!