Don’t Tell Me This Is Not a Religious War
In the society of our alleged enemies, it is a well-known fact that children are taught almost out of the womb to hate. And to hate America, and to hate Christians, and to hate our culture and our beliefs. The people who attacked our buildings and our people on September 11, 2001, did indeed declare a religious war, even though it may not have been stated.
In a five-page letter expressing terrorists’ hatred for America, recovered by the FBI, it stated: “Remember, the battle of the prophet … against the infidels, as he went on building the Islamic state,” Is that not a religious statement? These people are brainwashed into thinking they are doing the works for Allah, so that they will be in paradise. Does this not have a tone of religiosity? I realize it’s not Politically Correct to say these things, but I’m not PC anyway, so what do I have to lose? Facts are facts.
Also, this letter of inspiration to these terrorists concludes: “Keep a very open mind, keep a very open heart of what you are to face. You will be entering paradise. You will be entering the happiest, everlasting life …” Is this not a statement of religious proportions? No, we’re not fighting a religious war. We’re been told by the masses that all Muslims are not bad people and that all who worship Allah are not bad people, and that’s probably a true statement. However, that doesn’t change the fact this is not a religious war.
Can you people not see how the PC crowd is operating here? In our country, our land, our cities, in our backyards, Christians are being targeted because of what we believe. The PC people are always accusing us of “hate speech”, hate crimes, and all sorts of the garbage when their fold comes out with far more hate speech than we could ever imagine. Yes, it’s a religious war, from abroad as well as our homeland. And no Homeland Security Force will do anything about it as long as we have hypocrisy at it’s finest leading the team.
If we were a very bright nation, we would teach our kids as well, and at the earliest of ages, about good and evil. That’s why the enemy is bashing our teeth in. We are more afraid of dying than they are. They are ready and willing to die for “Allah”or whatever their cause may be, while we, as a nation, lie around and whine, cast the blame on some governmental function, and complain that it’s their fault. You see, we aren’t ready to be a free nation yet because we still like everything handed to us on a plate, and many times, use our God and our religion as Santa Claus and 911. Give me – help me! Yes, it’s the truth. I am as guilty as anyone.
But as I study and realize more about our real enemies, I also realize that much of the battle is dependent upon myself, as an individual, and ourselves as Americans. This isn’t just a battle of America versus the World. This is a real battle of good and evil, regardless of how much you may laugh about it. We will soon see things that will bring an atheist to their knees. It’s coming. I’m not being a prophet of doom, but the handwriting is on the wall. We’re waiting on someone else to prepare for us while we sit on our butts and watch CNN and Fox News and cry about what they’re not doing. We need to get ready for a fight…physically, mentally, and spiritually.
I realize this will not be a popular topic, but it has to be said. I sincerely hope we will all cast aside our differences and realize that yes, we are in a religious war. You can call it what you want, but all in all, this is what it boils down to. Some misinterpret this as a war of religions, and it is not exactly that. Those who started the war are doing so in the name of their own religion. That is where it becomes a religious war for us. Not all Muslims are terrorists…but most terrorists are Muslims, or either do so in the name of their god, Allah.
When all is said and done, it’s not about whether you agree or disagree with me, or anyone else. What this is about is waking up and smelling the coffee. Forget being Politically Correct…forget about offending anyone…forget about being sensitive. It’s time to see things as they are, and it’s not a pretty sight. Bash me if you want to, but it will not change the fact that this is more of a war of cultures and religions than terrorism itself. It will not be easy and it will not come to a swift end. We have waited much to late in our history to bring this to a conclusion in a reasonable amount of time. The question now is, are you and I up to the task? We can win this battle, but it will take all of us to do so. This is one fight that just a few cannot win. It will take every living American to stand behind our country before we can rid ourselves of this cankerous boil on the butt of America. I know it’s not pretty, but it’s a perfect picture.
What will you do?