Cleveland County Commissioners wasteful spending causing the begathon for tax increase
After much research, along with public records requests, we can say that there is absolutely no curiosity among the commissioners when it comes to giving away nearly half-a-million dollars to the ALWS, Shelby, dba Cleveland County ALWS Baseball, Inc. ($150,000 per year goes to the American Legion National Office in Indiana and $275 per year goes to the local entity, through July 1, 2024)
Minutes from a Cleveland County Commissioners Meeting, dated June 7, 2022, displayed some concern from Commissioner Deb Hardin regarding the sum of money being gifted to the ALWS. I have highlighted those concerns in the copy of the minutes below.
The commissioners and the county manager discussed audits and such, but also admitted that they haven’t seen any paperwork or anything that would give an accounting of how the money is actually spent, nor did they have any knowledge of how solvent the entity is. No curiosity – no concern. The resolution that was drawn up, backs that up. Below is another document that shows a few more details,
Finances aren’t the only issue that concerns many people. The numbers, the tickets, the capacity, etc. None of them add up and none of them spell credibility. For instance, the increase in numbers seems to be stretched somewhat, if one actually looks at the whole picture.
- The seating capacity is approximately 5500 people. (allowing approx. 18″ per seat/person)
- The standing room is between 100-150 people, according to the fire marshall.
- Means of Egress
The 990 Forms from 2015, 2017, and 2018.
(to view full screen, click on the diagonal arrow in the top right corner)
So, why haven’t the commissioners or the county manager looked at these Form 990 documents? At the top right-hand corner of each document, it plainly says Open To Public Inspection. These are not secret files or anything. Evidently, the commissioners have no clue, because in the Public Records request, nothing is mentioned about the Form 990 documents, nor is any communication seen between the commissioners, county manager, and the representatives of ALWS/Cleveland County ALWS Baseball, Inc. There is no reason the Clevenad County administrators should not be more aware of what these entities are doing with the hard-earned taxpayers’ money.
You may read more about these issues by going to these associated stories previously written: