Blind Man Looking In a Mirror
Reading the text of a speech delivered by Bill Clinton to 1000 students at Georgetown University, the depth of his cowardice was again on display. It seems that he cannot give up the spotlight nor the preposterous remarks he makes to those foolish enough to listen.
Clinton, in addressing the students declared, “Terror has existed in America for hundreds of years and the nation is paying a price today for its past of slavery and for looking the other way when a significant number of native Americans were dispossessed and killed.”Here in the United States, we were founded as a nation that practiced slavery, and slaves quite frequently were killed even though they were innocent.”
So, Slick, what have you done to improve the quality of life for these Americans you mentioned here? Well, let’s see. For blacks, you have continued to portray your party as the people who care so much about them, while at the same time, you have tried to make them more dependent upon your party. You have baffled them with BS and dazzled them with brilliance. How so? Look at your ministerial counselor during your days of Cigar-gate! The Rev. Jackson, who was discovered to have a little fling on the side, while he advised you about Monica, is another example of your BS and brilliance. It seems you’ve never met a camera you didn’t like, a skirt you wouldn’t chase, and a truth you wouldn’t bend!
I can’t recall a President ever spending so much time and money, trotting all over the globe making apologies to countries that had probably done more to cause us conflict than we had ever caused them. But yet on the other hand, you stood and lied, a bald-faced lie, to all of America on nationwide TV about your tryst with Monica, as you wagged your finger and the dog in unison. Why did you never apologize to America, Bill? No, not for running around with a female young enough to be your daughter, but for lying to America? And for selling us out to your Chinese friends for less than fifty pieces of silver?
I also see where Clinton said, “This country once looked the other way when a significant number of native Americans were dispossessed and killed to get their land or their mineral rights or because they were thought of as less than fully human.” Well, Bill, what did you do about that? Ha! I recall where one of your underlings was putting the strong arm on some Native Americans regarding some Casinos and such. Oh, how I love it when you claim to love humanity. You can’t love humanity, Bill. You know nothing about it. You are so vain. You only think of yourself. Every word you utter is a lie and a sound byte. Every smile you smile is as bogus as a 4-door motorcycle. Every tear you weep is for the camera. Don’t try to baffle or dazzle me, Bill. It doesn’t work!
You are so pathetic, I could almost laugh at you, but you are truly pitiful. You think you are relevant, significant, and needed by America. Thanks, but no thanks. America has had all it needs from you, Bill. We are tired of a blind man looking in a mirror. You see nothing! The only thing we can hope for is the blinders will be removed from your eyes, and will see what the rest of us see. Yes, at one time in history, Blacks and Native Americans were done a terrible injustice. I can’t argue with that. I can argue about is the dumb-ass statement you made about the terror that struck on September 11, 2001, was a payback of sorts. Sorry, Slick, but America does not deserve such! Think about this. America has also been known to treat Christians unfavorably as well, but not a peep from you, huh? America has also done despicable deeds to White Americans as well. Job discrimination, welfare, food stamps, unemployment in the White community due to quotas, and such. Do you hear us whining and carrying on about it? No, Bill, we are proud Americans and are also at the top end of being Politically Incorrect!
Next time you have the opportunity to look in a mirror, if you’re lucky, maybe you will experience something as did Paul of Tarsus, and have yourself a Damascus Road experience. Then, you can tell us we all need to apologize to whom! The thing is, Paul probably saw more in his days of blindness than you will ever hope to see with your eyes wide open!