A lesson in doing something to change things
Originally posted: 05-02-2012
I found this website about 6 years ago and have been a regular visitor since. I learned a lot and was encouraged by what these people built from the ground up. Long before the TEA Party was born, these Manassas Park, VA. citizens decided they’d had enough and held a meeting to see what they could do.
What began as a few people on a blog, became a force for good. I don’t want to spoil any of the story, so I’ll post a short excerpt to begin, and then a link to the article. Remember, these people were meeting with what is known here at home as our County Commissioners.
The event you will read about, took place October 17, 2007, written on the first anniversary. Here is a replay of their victory.
(This concerns illegal immigration, but you can substitute that with bullying and have the same results)
One Year Ago: The Rule Of Law Resolution, By Greg L | 17 October 2008
One year ago today, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors adopted the implementation plan of the Rule of Law Resolution after listening to a thirteen hour Citizens Time marathon.
Mexicans Without Borders had their boycott of county businesses, trying to bully them into opposition of the resolution. It didn’t work. Mexicans Without Borders held a rally where about three thousand illegal aliens and their supporters, trying to drive national opinion in their direction and erode support for the initiative. It didn’t work. Hundreds of their members and supporters showed up at Citizens Time and cajoled, begged, and shouted at the board to not adopt the resolution, sometimes in rather colorful ways, and sometimes in Spanish. That didn’t work, either.
What worked was a tremendous number of county residents getting engaged in the legislative process. Thousands of county residents e-mailed, called, and faxed their elected officials demanding that they adopt this initiative. Help Save Manassas members spearheaded this effort, showing residents how to get involved, keeping tabs on the process, and keeping the public informed. These residents, people who can actually vote for our elected officials and have long-term interests in the community shook off the habitual non-involvement in local civic affairs and took back their government.
Do yourself a favor and go read the original post. I promise, it’s a story well worth your time. A special thanks to Greg Letiecq, and Help Save Manassas.